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Common IRC commands

Ergo IRCd

Our IRC network runs on the modern IRCv3 capable IRCd It therefore comes with additional built in features and network services that can be accessed via in client commands.

Quick cheat sheet

Note: The preferred methode for account creation is to apply for an LDAP account on

Register a legacy account (for multi-client use) by sending this on IRC as an guest:

/msg NickServ register mySecretPassword

Afterwards, you will get an automated email with further instructions on how to verify this account.

Note: Only SASL auth is supported and you can not change your nickname after registering it.

Delete an account with (follow instructions): /msg NickServ unregister *yournick*

Turn off persistent connection mode (bouncer): /msg NickServ set always-on false

Play back channel history on legacy clients: /history #channel 12h (time duration or message count)

Or set it to autoreply the latest messages: /msg NickServ set autoreplay-lines 25

Register a channel: /msg ChanServ register #myChannel

Set channel mode: /mode #channel +/-attribute

+p - Sets the channel as invisible in /list.

+m - Mute users who are not opped/hopped/voiced.

+R - Only registered nicks are allowed in.

+M - Only registered nicks are allowed to talk.

Kick user from channel: kick #channel nickname [reason]

Set user mode in current channel: /mode #channel +/-attributes nickname

+o - User is an operator (prefix @).

+h - User is a half-op (prefix %).

+v - User has is unmuted (prefix +).

Help messages for service:

/msg NickServ HELP

/msg ChanServ HELP

You can use /NS or /CS instead.

Other useful commands:

/join #channel - Joins the specified channel.

/part #channel - Leave the specified channel.

/nick nickname - Changes your nick (unless SASL authed).

/names #channel - Shows the nicks of all users on #channel.

/msg nickname message - Sends a private message to a user.

/me action - Prints "yourname action"