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Other related services

Opengist pastebin

Linked to our main git forge, we also offer a fully git enabled pastebin service for sharing small code snippets or ad-hoc documentation. You canĀ access it here via your main account. This service utilizes the great Opengist software.

IRC channel bot webhooks

Bookstack wiki

Even though every repository has a small built in wiki, it is also possible to use this wiki here for more extensive documentation projects. It is based on the great Bookstack project and accounts are fully integrated with our git forge.

Weblate translation tool

Your repository can also be integrated with our Weblate tool to crowd-source translations. There is a dedicated section on this wiki about how to use it here.

Real-time code collaboration

We are currently investigating the new Open-Collaboration-Tools framework for easy peer-programming in VSCodium based IDEs and hope to host our own back-end for it soon. Alternatively, you should be already able to use Saros with our XMPP accounts.